
Bajra Grass Seeds

Original price was: ₹1,20000.Current price is: ₹90000.

Quantity Per Acre:
6 Kg Per Acre

Category: Tags: , Product ID: 1550


Sandy loam soil is suitable for its cultivation.

Preparation of Land
Convert the soil into fine tilth by 1-2 ploughing followed by harrowing.

Improved Variety
For green fodder, hybrid bajra or composite bajra, jaint bajra and Raj-171, Narendra chara, bajra-2 L-72 and L-74 is good variety. Second generation seed of hybrid bajra can be used for sowing of fodder.

Showing Time
Showing Time 365 days in All over India.

Seed Rate
For pure crop, 6 kg seed per Acre is sufficient. In mixed crop, bajra and cowpea should be sown in the ratio 2:1(2 rows of bajra and 1 row of cowpea). For this 6-7 kg seed of bajra and 12-15 kg seed of cowpea is required.

Sowing Method
Generally, the bajra is sown by spraying but sowing in a row at a distance of 30-40 cm is better. For mixed cropping, sowing should be done in separate rows so that the seed can be put in the soil at sufficient moisture.

Spread 80 kg nitrogen and 40 kg phosphorous per hectare for bajra. Half of the quantity of nitrogen should be used at the time of sowing and remaining half of the quantity should be used after 25-30 days of sowing.

Weed Control
Spray 1 kg atrazine dissolved in 600-700 liter water per hectare immediately after sowing of hybrid composite bajra.

Irrigate at an interval of 15-20 days as per requirement. 3-4 times irrigation is required for the crop

First Cutting After 70 days, next cutting every 30 days up to 11 cuttings, self life time 1 year.

the green fodder found is 20 times for every cutting.
