
Cofs 31 Seed

Original price was: ₹74900.Current price is: ₹60000.

Quantity Per Acre:
8 Kg Per Acre


Season and Varieties
District / Season Month Varieties
Irrigated CO (FS) 29 & CO 31 (Multicut Cholam)
All Irrigated districts Jan – Feb and Apr – May
Rain fed
All Districts (Jun – Jul)

Yield Potential and Quality Characters

Parentage Derivative of the cross TNS 30 x Sorghum sudanense

Gamma ray (400 Gy) mutant of CO (FS) 29

Duration (Days) Multicut
(3 years)
(5 years)
Average green fodder yield (tons/Acre) 160-170 (6-7 cuts) 190-(9-10 cuts)
Morphological characters
Plant height (cm) 220-250 270 – 290
Number of tillers 10-15 12-17
Number of leaves 80-105 90-110
Leaf length (cm) 75-90 85 – 95
Leaf breadth (cm) 3.5-4.6 4.5 – 5.0
Leaf stem ratio 0.2-0.25 0.26
Quality Characters
Protein content (%) 8.41 9.86
Dry matter (%) 23.60 25.9
Crude fibre (%) 25.60 19.80
IVDMD (%) 50.30 52

Crop Production:


Preparatory cultivation


Plough 2-3 times to obtain a good tilth. Form ridges and furrows of 6 m long and 60 cm apart. Spread 25 tones of FYM/ha before ploughing and incorporate well.


Seed rate


8 kg / Acre




30  x 15 cm (Sow on both sides of ridges)




Basal: 45 : 40 : 40 kg NPK/ha
Top dressing: 45 kg N at 30 days after sowing
After each harvest, apply 45 kg N/ha as basal.
After first year apply 45:40:40 kg NPK/ha


Weed Management


First weeding on 25-30 DAS.  There after based on necessity.


Water Management


Once in 7-10 days depending upon soil condition.




First harvest at 75-80 days after sowing and subsequent harvests once in 50 days


Green fodder yield


190 t/ha/year in 6-7 harvests

Crop Protection:

Shoot fly (Atherigona soccata)

  • Dead heart symptom at seedling stage (upto 30 days) .
  • Dead heart plant with rotting smell pulled out easily.
  • Side tillers production.

Identification of Pest

  • Egg: white, cylindrical, distal end somewhat flattened (Cigar shaped).
  • Maggot: Dirty white and apodous, later yellow and 6 mm long.
  • Pupa: Brown puparium
  • Adult: whitish grey female fly.


  • ETL: 10% dead hearts or 1 egg / plant.
  • Sow immediately at the onset of monsoon rains.
  • Seed treatment : Imidacloprid 70 WS @ 10 g/kg of seeds.
  • Set up hanging plastic fishmeal trap @ 12 nos. /ha upto 30 DAS.

Aphids (Rhopalosiphum maidis) Symptoms

  • Plant yellow and wilt with large number of aphids.
  • Honeydew secretion, sooty mould on leaves.

Identification of insect pests

  • Nymphs: light green.
  • Adults: Bluish or olive green adults.


  • Conservation of several parasitic wasps, ladybird beetles, syrphid fly larvae, and lacewing larvae and adults.

Seed production

Land Requirements

  • Land shall be free of volunteer plants including sudan grass.

Field Standards
A. General Requirements

  • Isolation: Fields shall be isolated with following specified isolation distances.


Minimum distance (meters)


Foundation Certified
Fields of other varieties of grain and dual-purpose  sorghum 200 100
Fields of same variety not confirming to varietal purity requirements 200 100
Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense (L.)) and other grassy Sorghum spp. 400 400

B. Specific Requirements

                                       Factor Maximum permitted (%)*


Foundation Certified
Off-types at any one inspection at and after flowering 0.10 0.20
*Heads infected by Kernel smut or Grain smut (Sphacelotheca sorghi) and Head smut (Sphacelotheca reiliana) at final inspection 0.050 0.10


*Seed fields can be certified if diseased earheads are removed and infection should not more than maximum permissible level on re-inspection,. Only one such re- inspection is permitted.
Note: Seed fields should be thoroughly rogued for sugary disease/ergot infected plants so as to meet the seed standards However, seed fields shall not be rejected for the infected earheads.

  • Seed rate: 5 kg/ha .
  • Seed treatment: Treat the seeds with 600 g of Azospirillum and 600g of Phosphobacteria or 1200g of Azophos.
  • Spacing: 50 x 20 cm.
Standards for each class


Foundation Certified
Pure seed (minimum) 97.0% 97.0%
Inert matter (maximum) 3.0% 3.0%
Other crop seeds (maximum) 5/kg 10/kg
Weed seeds (maximum) 5/kg 10/kg
Other distinguishable varieties (maximum) 10/kg 20/kg
Ergot (Claviceps spp.) sclerotia, seed entirely or partially modified as sclerotia, broken sclerotia or ergotted (Sphacelia sorghi & Claviceps spp.) seeds (maximum) 0.020%
(by no.)
(by no.)
Germination (minimum) 75% 75%
Moisture (maximum) 12.0% 12.0%
For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 8.0% 8.0%


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