
Baby Corn Seeds

Original price was: ₹3,50000.Current price is: ₹3,00000.

Quantity Per Acre:
8 Kg Per Acre

Category: Tag: Product ID: 1610


The baby corn is a delicious and nutritive diet and free from the effects of insecticides as it is covered with leaves. Phoshorous is found in sufficient quantity in baby corn. In addition to it, carbohydrate, protein, calcium, iron and vitamins are also found in sufficient quantity. Baby corn is low calorie food as it is free of cholesterol but have high fiber in abundance which is very useful for heart patients.

Production Technology

Except number of plants in abundance, higher quantity of nitrogen and early harvesting, all other cultivation activities are similar to maize.

Selection of land

For cultivation of baby corn, loam soil with sufficient biological content is suitable.

Preparation of Field

First plough should be done by disc harrow and next 2-3 plough by local plough or cultivator and use cultivator to prepare the field. Sufficient moisture is essential at the time of sowing other wise tillage should be done for preparation of field.

Selection of Variety

Early ripening, medium height and single hybrid variety are best suited for cultivation of baby corn.

SN Variety Year of Release Color and size of grains Time of Silk(Days) Ripening Duration( Days) Yield (Qtl/htr)
1 B.L-42 1988 White Gulli 70-75 Plucking of baby corn
2 Prakash 1997 White Gulli 70-75 Plucking of baby corn
3 H.M.-4 2005 Creamy White Gulli 80-85 Plucking of baby corn
4 Azad Kamal (Sankul) 2008 Creamy White Gulli 70-75 Plucking of baby corn

Single cross hybrid, early ripening variety in which duration of silk coming out is 70-75 days in Kharif, 40-45 days in spring and 120-130 days in winter is suitable.

Sowing Time

In northern India, baby corn can be sown any time between February to November.

Sowing Method

Sowing should be done in southern part of bund and distance between bund to bund and plant to plant is 60cm x 15 cm.

Seed Rate

20-25 kg per hectare is suitable according to test weight of hybrid variety.

Quantity of Fertilizer

Use of 8-10 ton per hectare decomposed dung manure and nitrogen, phosphorous, potash and zinc sulphate in the ratio of 150:60:60:25 kg per hectare is essential. In Kharif, nitrogen should be used in three parts. Full quantity of phosphorous, potash and zinc sulphate and 1/3rd part of nitrogen should be spread in the field at the time of sowing, 1/3rd of nitrogen after 25 days of sowing and remaining part of nitrogen after 40 days. In Rabi, nitrogen should be used in 4 parts.1/4th part should be spread at the time of sowing,1/4th after 30-35 days of sowing,1/4th after 60-80 days and remaining 1/4th after 80-110 days. In spring season baby corn, 1/4th part should be spread at the time of sowing,1/4th after 25 days of sowing,1/4th after 40-45 days and remaining 1/4th after 60-65 days.

Weed Control

First weeding and hoeing after 15-20 days after showing, second after 30-35 days of sowing must be done which allows air circulation in the roots. The roots spread in wider area, collects the food and provide it to the plants. Spray of atrazine 50% WP at the rate of 1.5 kg per hectare dissolved in 500-600 liter water in the field before germination of maize does not allow the weed to grow and maize crop grows faster.

2-3 irrigation is essential as per season and crop. Apply first irrigation after 20days, second when the plants attain knee height and third before flowering.

Crop Protection

Baby corn is not affected by disease or insect because it is free from harmful disease and insects as its cob is covered with leaves.


Detash the flower immediately when it appears.


Hand picks the ears of baby corn when it is 3-4 cm long and silky emerges from the ear tips. At the time of picking the ears, do not remove the leaves. By removing the leaves, it deteriorates very soon. In Kharif, the ears should be picked every day and in Rabi, it should be picked at an interval of 1-2 days. In single cross hybrid 3-4 hand picking is essential.


By cultivation in above manner, an average yield of 15-20 quintal per hectare can be obtained. In addition to this, 200-250 quintal per hectare green fodder is also obtained.

Post Harvest Management

Remove the leaves from the ears at the time of hand picking and send it into the mandi in plastic bucket, bags or container.

Inter Cropping

For green pods and fodder, lobia, urad, moong in Kharif and baby corn in Rabi with potato, peas, rajma, methi, coriander, cauli flower, Saljam, radish, carrot etc. can be grown as intercrop. For inter crop, additional quantity of fertilizers should be used. Thus yield so received from intercrop is an additional benefit.


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